The music program at Pearsall, aims to inspire and engage students through explicit teaching (making learning goals and steps clear), providing a contemporary program which provides students with opportunities to create, experiment, innovate, practice, perform and then reflect on their own and others’ work to provide feedback. “At the heart of everything that we do is creativity, kindness, respect and teamwork.”
The Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline is used to plan, teach, and assess skills. Pearsall’s music room is a large and cheerful space which is well-resourced, in terms of both instruments and technology. Parents are able to follow the music room on Connect, to receive regular notifications.
All students from Pre-Primary through to Year 6 attend a weekly music lesson and learn to:
- enjoy and appreciate music and dance from different genres, era and cultures
- use music to express themselves and support their physical, emotional and mental health
- set and achieve personal goals
- sing with an awareness of pitch, dynamics and timing
- develop ideas and create original performances, integrating literacy into rap and song-writing
- play bucket drums, tuned and untuned percussion, ukuleles, recorders and keyboards
- develop responsibility, confidence, perseverance and resilience
- practice microphone use, presentation and performance skills
- work in groups, listen actively and have respectful audience skills
- Instrumental Program (Year 5 and 6) and Band
Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS) currently provide weekly brass, flute and clarinet lessons to students who are selected, based on their interest, ability and the results of a Music Aptitude test which all Year 4 students take in Term 3. All IMSS students attend weekly band practice within the school timetable, which provides them with an opportunity to enjoy and extend their skills. Students with excellent instrumental skills in other year groups (Year 3 upwards) may audition to join the band. - Choir
Students in Years 4 to 6 may opt to attend choir on Fridays and need to commit to regular practice so they can represent Pearsall at the One Big Voice event in August. - Leadership opportunities
Year 6 music leaders apply for their positions and are responsible for coordinating sound and technology requirements at fortnightly assemblies. Students across all year groups are encouraged to contribute ideas, talents and suggestions for ways to make Pearsall’s music program as engaging and inclusive as possible. Students have input to community song selection, assemblies, topics covered in class lessons, lunch clubs and help to host community events such as Leadership Day, Mother’s Day, flash-mobs, talent shows and the tremendously popular Christmas Concert.