At different times throughout a child’s education they may need extra support or practice at specific skills. They may also need to be provided with challenges and activities to extend their learning. Most children will need both extension and support at some stage in their schooling as they engage with a wide range of curriculum areas which each require their own concepts and skillsets.
In every class there is a broad scope of abilities, and classroom teachers gather data and evidence from each individual child to cater for their personal needs. The majority of interventions occur in class on a daily basis, and are determined by the class teacher as new content and skills are introduced and covered. These interventions are referred to as WAVE 1 Interventions.
Whole school data is also collected to enable us to track students across year level cohorts and classes. The tracking of all students enables us to make decisions about our programs, and assists us to target our teaching to meet student requirements. As s staff, we analyse both individual classes and whole school data regularly to ensure we are addressing the diverse range of student needs.
The date we collect as a whole is also used to target WAVE 2 and 3 Intervention programs. These programs have been carefully selected based on educational research ensuring that we are targeting students at the right time and also targeting the right skills. Pearsall Primary School runs the following intervention programs and screening:
- Sounds/Write; where trained staff provide targeted phonics intervention in small groups from Pre-primary to Year 6.
- Speech Pathologist, employed to screen all Kindergarten and Pre-Primary students
- The conducting of a sound emotional well-being survey.
- A social emotional well-being program conducted by a teacher.
- Autism and self-regulation skills program conducted by a teacher.
- Use of the EALD progress maps for students who have an EALD background.