Pearsall PS has an ICT plan specifically designed to support required content and effective pedagogy to ensure that all teaching and learning programs are based around best practice. The following are some ways in which we are embracing digital learning within our school and in doing so supporting the ICT requirements of the Australian Curriculum.
- Pearsall PS has a combination of desktop, notebook computers and iPads to allow for optimal flexibility and usage as they are integrated into the daily teaching and learning programs for our students.
- All students have Department of Education logins to provide safe access to a large range of internet based resources and learning opportunities within the school environment.
- Students are explicitly taught appropriate online protocol and cyber safety strategies.
Interactive Whiteboards
- Every classroom as well as the library at Pearsall PS has its own mounted IWB.
- They are used daily across all year levels and learning areas for both whole class activities and small group work.
Digital Technologies
In Semester 2, students are engaged with learning from the Digital Technologies curriculum. This is then reported on at the end of Term 4 in the Semester 2 report.
iPads and Laptops
- Pearsall PS uses banks of iPads and Laptops to support learning in the classrooms. There are also individual iPads available with Apps to support the needs of students on Individual Education Plans.
- iPad use is promoted in learning centers, literacy and numeracy groups and cross curricular activities to provide flexible, engaging, multi-sensory access to the curriculum.
- Our Year 4-6 students participate in a BYO iPad program which was started in 2022.