Independent Public School Review

All WA Schools are reviewed every three years by the Department of Education Public School Accountability directorate.

The principal provides the review team with a self-assessment of the school’s performance based on the evidence gathered by the principal and staff. This information is validated (or not) by the review team.

While the review team use an overall two stage performance rating of “effective “or “needs improvement “each of the six (6) review areas is rated on a five (5) point scale.

The highest rating is “Evidence suggests that performance is SIGNIFICANTLY MORE THAN EXPECTED”

The review examines the following six areas:

  1. Relationships and Partnerships
  2. Learning Environment
  3. Leadership
  4. Use of Resources
  5. Teacher Quality
  6. Student Achievement and Progress

A review was completed in Term 4, 2020 and the finding are available in the following report:

School Review 2020