Teaching and Learning

The Learning Environment

Pearsall PS uses a range of strategies to establish a climate conducive to learning. This includes:

  • An emphasis on routines and procedures
  • Creating stimulating, reassuring and organized classroom environments
  • Building a strong rapport with students

Learning Strategies

Specific learning strategies used at Pearsall PS include:

  • The use of brain related research to maximize learning
  • The use of strategic and timely feedback to support students.
  • Making clear to students the intended learning required from each lesson.
  • The use of ICT as a learning tool to engage students
  • The use of plenary sessions as a vital element of the teaching cycle in classrooms
  • The use of multi sensory approaches for learning so that students have the opportunities to learn from seeing, hearing and doing
  • The use of consistent classroom management approaches

High Expectations

The staff of Pearsall PS has as a major teaching strategy the placement of high expectations upon themselves and students. We are committed to achievement of high standards of academic outcomes for all students.

Literacy Teaching

Literacy teaching at Pearsall PS incorporates explicit and systematic instruction in the skills, knowledge and understandings required for students to be literate. In the Early Years, literacy teaching will include the explicit teaching of phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary knowledge, comprehension, concepts about print, grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting. Literacy teaching is based on the strengths of a comprehensive range of evidence and researched based approaches to meet the learning needs of all students.

We have a whole school approach to teaching and learning to ensure we

  • Provide consistency
  • Enable teachers to teach effectively
  • Embed a collaborative approach and culture throughout the school